The Sinterwerke

Powder metallurgy is our business; we are specialised in the production of high-density sinter parts including soft-magnetic materials. We are an international supplier to well-known manufacturers of parts for the automotive and power tool industry.

Based on our long-standing experience we can offer you integral solutions for ready-to-assemble sinter parts. We are at our customers' disposal during the whole process chain, from the construction of the part, the tool and process layout, through the pressing and sintering up to the mechanical machining.
Latest information
Sumitomo Electric Industries Ltd. (SEI), a Japanese leading company in automotive products has acquired the operating businesses of Sinterwerke Group (SW), Sinterwerke Herne GmbH (Germany) and Sinterwerke Grenchen AG (Switzerland).
For SEI as market leader in Asia and with strong market position in NAFTA, this acquisition is a big step into the European market to become global market leader.
For SW and its customers this acquisition is an important move towards increasing global presence and implementing latest production process technologies.
SEI expects this acquisition to significantly contribute to become a technology wise leading global supplier of high performance, high-functionality sinter products by leveraging world-class materials and process technology. Targets of this acquisition are to strengthen proposal and solution capability for our clients with innovation and enhancement of core technologies and also supporting their customer by accelerating global businesses.
In addition, SW will contribute to the businesses of the customers of SEI group in Europe.
Sinterwerke is a well-established company in the European Market for sintered automotive parts. With 200 employees and locations in Germany and Switzerland, Sinterwerke develops and manufactures high-quality and complex sintered parts. Customers are mainly top European Tier1 suppliers and OEMS.